Dts Deposit
- Dts Deposit Tracking
- Dts Deposits
- Dts Deposit System
- Dts Depository
- Dst Deposit
- Dts Deposit Customer Service
- Dts Cash Deposit
Average rents grow throughout 2020 - The DPS Rent Index Q4 2020. How are DTS documents processed? Documents are submitted, processed, and approved at the organization responsible for funding the travel. Once approved by the organizational approving official, the payment is electronically sent to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) for payment via electronic funds transfer (EFT) to the traveler.
Dts Deposit Tracking
Our online cash management tools are designed to work with any bank, courier, device, or system.
Change Orders
The Change Order module allows for improved efficiency and flexibility for your locations' change ordering process while enhancing headquarter's control and oversight.Dts Deposits
Change Order Payments
The Change Order Payment module complements the Change Order module, making it fast and easy to create and reconcile payments.Deposits
The Deposit module captures real-time deposit data from all locations, armored carriers, and banks; enhancing process efficiency while improving visibility and transparency.Cash-In-Transit
The Cash-In-Transit management module enables tracking, managing and analysis of your transportation process through one easy to use online tool.Store Cash Tools
Our Store Cash Tools include Safe Count, Drawer Count, and Drawer Recon which replace and enhance manual store cash management processes with straightforward, easy to use online tools.Supply Orders
The Supply Order module simplifies and streamlines the supply ordering process by making it easy to place, track, and manage supply orders.Better Controls + Better Data = Better Decisions
We are dedicated to helping you get your cash within your control.
Tax Forms
Dts Deposit System
If you did not complete tax forms during the SuccessFactors onboarding process, please complete your Federal W-4 and NC State NC-4 forms online at Duke@Work. If you do not complete your tax forms, the system will automatically default to single marital status with zero deductions.

The paper Federal W-4 and NC State NC-4 forms can only be used if you are claiming 'Exempt from withholding.'
W-2 Forms
You may access your W-2 form electronically in January. You will be able to view and print your W-2 form online using the Duke@Work website. You will continue to receive paper W-2 forms unless you consent to electronic-only delivery of your W-2 form.
Electronic W-2 forms will not be available for terminated employees who are no longer working with Duke. Your W-2 form will be mailed to you using the most recent home address in the Duke Payroll system. Employees who are no longer working with Duke may contact Duke Corporate Payroll Services (919-684-2642) to provide a current mailing address.
Payday is every two weeks in accordance with the regular biweekly pay period at Duke. Please refer to the DTS Biweekly Schedule for timecard due date and pay date information. DTS Biweekly Schedules are available at the DTS office and on the DTS website.
Direct Deposit
Dts Depository
Direct deposit is mandatory for DTS employees. If you did not establish direct deposit during the SuccessFactors onboarding process, please go to Duke@Work to enroll. You will need to log in using your NetID and password. Choose 'My Pay' then 'Pay Resources.' You can also view and print your pay statement from this website.
If you decide to cancel your direct deposit in order to register a different bank or credit union account, you must leave your current direct deposit in place until direct deposit becomes effective with the new account.
Dst Deposit
With direct deposit, Duke University Corporate Payroll Services must verify your transit and account numbers. This verification process may take 30 days or longer. During the verification period, you must pick up your paycheck at the DTS office between the hours of 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday until your direct deposit becomes effective. Once your direct deposit is established, you can visit Duke@Work to view and print your pay statement. You will need to log in using your NetID and password.
Dts Deposit Customer Service
If you are unable to establish a checking or savings account with a banking institution, the Duke University Credit Union can assist you in opening an account. The Duke University Credit Union is located at Erwin Square Plaza, 2200 West Main Street, Durham, NC. You must take your Duke Temporary Service ID badge with you to open an account.
Duke University Corporate Payroll Services and DTS are not responsible for financial service fees associated with delayed paychecks and direct deposits.
Overtime Pay Policy
Dts Cash Deposit
To be eligible for overtime pay you must work more than forty (40) hours in one (1) week. You will be paid one and one half times your regular rate of pay for any hours worked over forty (40) hours in one (1) week.